Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Updates on Thumbs Up Johnnie Youtube!

Howdy there Pardners-
Thumbs Up Johnnie here and I have some exciting news...hot off the griddle! Our team here at Pixie Stuff Publishing (the publisher of my series of books) is proud to announce "STORY TIME with Michelle Bain & Thumbs Up Johnnie!" This series includes 7-9 minute videos where Michelle reads the books out loud and the pages of my books are animated and with sound effects so the listener can follow along. It is just like story time in a class room or right before bed but it is with Michelle's own added flavor of her voice for my stories. How exciting for one of our kiddos or fans to hear the author reading the story out loud right from their computer FOR FREE!

Simply go to
www.youtube.com/thumbsupjohnnie and you will see our new addition! You cansubscribe to our channel (page) to make it easier to see our videos whenever you'd like. Make sure to rate the video and pass it on to your posse as well! Teachers, parents and grandparents alike will enjoy our "STORY TIME videos" as they are educationaland fun!
Just so you know- even though I am a cowboy...I consider myself on the cuttin' edge of technology! So now I have my own blog...follow my everyday adventures in Happy or creatin' a book with Michelle Bain & Lorenzo Lizana! It is sure to be a fun and creative ride! Check it our at http://adventuresofthumbsupjohnnie.blogspot.com !

Hats off to ya-
Thumbs Up Johnnie

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