Saturday, April 25, 2009

Howdy my friends!

Well I have been a traveling fool! It seems as though - since my last johnnie blog- that I have been around the world. My CAST OF CHARACTERS and I have been to LONDON, NICE and CANNES. I got to see Big Ben, the Queen's Place, Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, the London Bridge and ride on the London Eye! then we got to go to the ocean in the south of France for my favorite...the ANIMATION FESTIVAL, where I got to see all of the other "CHARACTERS" that are trying to make it on TV all across the world like me. I tell you what...we saw a lot of stuff but only a few things I would give "two thumbs up" to! We met a lot of really nice French people, some people from Canada (Hi Patrick and Suzy) and some awesome people from Kidsco in London (our new best friends) and some people who make animation in INDIA and AUSTRALIA! How about that! It is a world wide project to get me my own TV series but we are working on it everyday! Stay tuned to my website where we will post a photo album of my worldwide travels and soon an opportunity for you to send in your pictures so we can see where you travel with my little "mini-me" Johnnie from Build A Bear Workshops! Stay tuned and thanks for keeping up with my adventures...Au revoir! Ciao!

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