Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ridin' the Storm Out!

Batten down the hatches! After Hurricane Irene battered the East Coast recently, I got to thinkin' about storms and being prepared to deal with them. Most parts of the country are prone to getting some kinds of bad weather. Along the coasts it's hurricanes and tropical storms. In the Midwest we sometimes get tornadoes and dust storms. Thunderstorms, lightening strikes and severe winds can hit just about anywhere. Here are some safety tips for getting yourself ready and safe for a storm.

Parents should always stay calm. Show your kids that storms are natural and nothing to get spooked about. Let them see that you've got the situation under control.

Get a special "Safe Room" ready to retreat in your home should a thunderstorm or tornado be announced. An area of the basement is best, if you have one. Make sure it's big enough for your best horse friend, if you have one. Stock your Safe Room with batteries and a battery-operated radio, flashlights, and maybe a lantern and a small table with some books. You can ride out the bad weather by doing homework or reading or even playing cards.

Let your kiddos know they're safe, as you monitor the weather situation. A cell phone can connect you to other family members so you can make sure they're safe too.

Remember: storms can be very serious and dangerous. Listen to parents or other adults in times of bad weather and take shelter away from windows.

Talk to your parents about setting up a Safe Room to have ready in case of storms. Clean up an area, gather some batteries, flashlights, a small table and some books or games and set up your own Safe Room for your family. You'll be able to keep busy as you ride the storm out!

Check out this cool website to learn more about storms and emergency preparedness!

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